MR-PHARMA Anavar 20mg/tab


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  • Model: i-4
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  • Model: i-4
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Buy Anavar Here

Anavar is the trade name of one of the most famous anabolic steroids manufactured in the 60s: it was used in many treatments aimed at weight gain, following certain diseases resulting in strong weight loss, but also in certain cases of osteoporosis. It is reputed to be one of the mildest anabolics available and can be used by both men and women without major risk. It is a molecule more suited to performance and cutting, rather than muscle mass gain. Anavar acts directly on creatine phosphate, thus allowing a gain in strength, without having a huge weight gain as a result, it is also very effective in dry conditions where it strongly contributes to lipolysis and improves vascularization. On the other hand, it is one of the most expensive anabolic steroids on the market: oxandrolone remains quite expensive, nevertheless you can easily obtain it on our website at an unbeatable price. This molecule of course allows, like any anabolic steroid, to increase protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscle, it will also have the effect of inhibiting glucocorticoids such as cortisol, in order to protect the muscle from any catabolism. . Anavar is sold in sachets of 50 tablets each containing 20mg of oxandrolone. You can of course buy anavar online, but also other anabolics in pill form.

How To Use Anavar For Muscle Gain?

Anavar 20 is an anabolic steroid that is often considered weak, but it was the dosages that were weak considering it was originally sold in 5 and 2.5mg tablets.It was only later, following its democratization and the development of sport and performance, that more dosed tablets appeared, ranging from 10 to 50mg. Muscle gain requires fairly substantial dosages, however, from 60-70mg per day, you can obtain good gains thanks to this molecule, the ideal being of course to combine it with testosterone, in order to benefit from a certain synergy and will allow the body to create more muscles. If you buy anavar, the use of this molecule must be for the purpose of gaining muscle, which of course requires following a suitable diet, as well as rigorous training. It is by no means a magic pill, but rather a tool that will allow you to unlock your progress and go beyond your natural limits. Buying anavar online from our website guarantees you are getting the best anavar on the market, as our labs only produce pharmaceutical grade products certified by lab analysis.

Dosages For Beginners And Experienced Bodybuilders

The dosage of oxandrolone is of course dependent on your body weight, muscle mass/fat mass and bodybuilding experience. For a beginner of average weight, a dosage of 40-50mg per day for a 1st cycle may be sufficient, for someone more experienced, this dosage can easily be increased to 70-80mg, or even 100mg in some cases, this changes also if the use of anavar 20mg is done alone or if it is combined with other molecules. In case you use this molecule combined with other anabolic steroids, even for an experienced individual, a dosage of 60-80mg per day is more than enough.It should be kept in mind that at dosages as high as 100mg per day, anavar is no longer the molecule as soft as we think: it is toxic for the liver, moreover, it causes a much stronger suppression of natural production than at dosages of 50-80mg, so this product should not be taken lightly when such dosages are employed. To order this product, you just have to go through our platform through which it will be more than easy to buy all the products you want.

Cycle Info

Anavar cycles are of course as numerous as there are molecules. This product can combine with majority of anabolic steroids, having only low liver toxicity, some even combine it with other oral steroids, although combining two oral steroids is not recommended. This can still be done when the dosage of each steroid used is low and blood tests are regularly done to check the state of your liver. Testosterone should always form the basis of a cycle associated with anavar: this can make a very good cycle for a beginner or an athlete looking only for strength and a little muscle mass, likewise, such a cycle can be used for a dry phase. The addition of trenbolone would make it possible to have a very good strength cycle: anavar acting on creatine phosphate and trenbolone on the central nervous system, the resulting strength gains can be very satisfying. The use of anavar can be done over 6 to 8 weeks without great risk: it is a molecule very well tolerated by the vast majority of users, we only rarely see side effects due to anavar. However, like any anabolic steroid, it suppresses endogenous production at high doses and requires a boost.You can easily buy anavar online in France on our website, as well as the majority of existing molecules: the purchase of turinabol, as well as winstrol or dianabol has become quite simple.

How To Buy Anavar Online?

Anavar has become widely popular with athletes over the years and is now highly appreciated by athletes, whether bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters and other combat sports: it is used by all. Many laboratories therefore produce this molecule: it has therefore become easy to buy anavar on the internet. However, the anabolic steroids market lists many dishonest sites seeking only to raise money by offering only underdosed, even “fake” products, in order to derive maximum profit. At Musclefax: no scam! All our products are certified pharmaceutical quality and of unequaled purity, certified by laboratory analyses. We offer the largest catalog of anabolic steroids on the French market and at unbeatable prices. To buy anavar online, all you have to do is place an order on our website and validate it. You will then be able to proceed to the payment via 4 choices. Bitcoin remains the means of payment that we encourage you to take: it is free of charge, fast, because the transaction is done instantly by credit card payment, anonymous and 100% secure. You can always opt for western union/money gram money transfer or bank transfer. Be aware, however, that for these 3 means, more or less high costs depending on the amount to be sent may be invoiced, moreover, this requires travel to an agency. Finally, the time for receipt of funds varies from 12 to 48 hours for the transfer and can take up to several days for the transfer. Your package will be packed and shipped immediately upon receipt of funds.All our parcels leave from the European Union, thus guaranteeing optimal security and discretion. Your package will be delivered to your home within approximately one week. Any package that does not arrive at its destination will of course be reshipped at our expense. You can send us all your questions via our e-mail support which is available 7 days a week.


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